طراحي و تحليل شبكه هاي توزيع و انتقال
SINCAL (SImense Network CALculation) نرم افزاري بسيار پيشرفته در زمينه محاسبات شبكه هاي قدرت ميباشد. اين نرم افزار امكانات متنوعي در زمينه طراحي و تحليل شبكه هاي قدرت در اختيار كاربر قرار مي دهد. با استفاده از روشهاي محاسباتي تخصصي موجود دراين نرم افزارامكان انجام تنظيمات شبكه دركوتاهترين زمان ميسر ميباشد.
از قابليتهاي اين نرم افزار موارد زير قابل ذكر ميباشد:
- sleek Windows interface, making network planning fast and easy
- functions that adjust any large network, with schematic or geographical (real site) coordinates
- highly suitable for network documentation (integrating OLE objects)
- extensive display and evaluation functions, including Graphics Editors, diagrams, tables and reports
- displaying of input and output data in the form of diagrams and tables
- flexible report system based on Crystal Reports (own reports can be integrated in PSS™SINCAL)
- functions to administer projects and network libraries
- individual catalogues for network elements
- extensive importing and exporting abilities
- data change with other Windows applications, using cut and paste
- clearly arranged message system (network elements in the messages for calculation errors can be selected directly in the Graphics Editor)
- smooth connection to relational database systems for data storage
- automated functions using COM interfaces
- comprehensive calculation methods for electricity and flow networks